Stations for the preparation of chemical solutions

In many production processes, there is a need to purify recycled and waste water. The decisive factor here, in most cases, is the rapid and high-quality separation of suspended impurities from the treated liquid. To speed up and improve the separation of the solid and liquid phases, reagents (coagulant, flocculant) are used , which, when introduced into dispersed systems, are adsorbed or chemically bound to the surface of the particles of the dispersed phase and combine the particles into agglomerates (floccules), contributing to their rapid deposition. 

The preparation of reagents in many technological processes is critical to ensure proper production modes.

The reagent solution preparation station allows you to automatically prepare the necessary solution before direct use in the technological process, select the required concentration, enter the specified operation parameters, which significantly saves working time and working conditions of the service personnel.

Scope of application

Preparation and dosage of working solutions of chemicals:

Flocculants (cationic, anionic);

Coagulants (iron chloride, aluminum oxychloride, aluminum sulfate, etc.);


And other commercial chemicals.

Working principle

Reagent solution preparation stations are available with automatic and manual supply of dry and liquid reagents for dissolution. Stations with automatic reagent feed work on the flow principle and allow you to prepare the solution continuously according to the specified parameters. Stations with manual feed of the reagent operate according to the volumetric principle (preparation – consumption – preparation).


Contact the company "Ekova"

Our vocation is to produce the best products that comply with the current environmental regulations and norms of Russia. We build individual cooperation with each client, providing him with equipment and reagents for his requests. We will help you choose the device with the right configuration and the right size.

Call us at: 8 (800) 300-95-04 please state your installation requirements so that we can select the best option for you.

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